Disability Services


Welcome to KamiCon Disability Services! As dedicated accessibility specialists, we work hard to provide as much support and assistance to attendees with issues or concerns that affect their ability to participate in and enjoy the convention to the fullest. Whether it's visible or invisible, temporary or long-term, we care and want to work with you. Below we provide a breakdown of the accommodations we offer along with relevant policies that apply to those accommodations. If you have any further questions or want to ask about a specific situation, please feel free to email us at KamiConDisabilityServices@gmail.com.

Where is Disability Services located?
During the convention, Disability Services is located at a table next to the Information Desk in the hallway to the right when entering the South Hall.

We are seated under a large banner that reads, “Disability Services.”

What does Disability Services do?
Guests with accommodation needs that register with Disability Services are provided a sticker that is applied to the back of their badges. This sticker signifies to convention operations staff and volunteers that the guest has registered with Disability Services and has been made aware of our policies and procedures in accordance with the ADA.

Additionally, we provide a monitored quiet room space located across the hall from our Disability Services table with tables and chairs and dim lighting. There is no registration required to use the quiet room space.

We do not require attendees to provide medical documentation or relay potentially sensitive medical information in order to get accommodations. Our attendees are amazing and we trust that you come to us in good faith.


  • If you have pre-registered for the convention and are registering with Disability Services, you and your party may check in and receive your badges at our table.

  • If you did not pre-register, we are happy to assist you with the walk-in registration process. We can accept card payments at our table, but cash payments must go through walk-in registration located at the ticket booth near the South Hall entrance doors.

  • Once you are checked in for the convention, a Disability Services team member will walk you through the process of registering for our services.

Registering for Accommodations:

  • At the table we have a QR code that you scan with your phone camera which takes you to our Disability Services form through Eventeny and links directly to the account you register with for the convention. Our form is digital for streamlining the collection of non-individualized statistics so that we can work to provide better accommodations for future years based on convention attendance.

  • After filling out the brief form, based on the accommodations detailed below, you will be given a sticker for the back of your badge that signifies to other staff members and our volunteers that you have registered with Disability Services so that they can assist in providing the accommodations you need.

  • The last thing we will go over with each guest who registers with Disability Services is our emergency contact form.

Emergency Contact Form:

  • The emergency contact form is entirely voluntary. Each form is put into a locked box, only accessible and viewable by the directors of Disability Services and the on-site EMTs and is destroyed at the end of the convention.

  • The emergency contact form exists so that in the event of an emergency, if you are incapacitated and unassisted, a member of staff can use the number on the back of your badge to contact a director of Disability Services.

  • That director will then locate your emergency contact information using the number on your badge and hand your form over to the EMTs.

Priority Seating Policy:

 Attendees registered with our department are given priority seating. Priority seating entails access to a separate line that will be loaded into any panel or event room before the rest of the attendees in order to ensure that you are able to find a seat that matches your accommodation needs. Please abide by the following policies regarding our priority seating option.

  • You must be in line fifteen minutes prior to the start of the panel you want to attend to receive accommodated priority seating. 

  • If you arrive after the line has been formed for accommodated priority seating, you are not guaranteed accommodated priority seating.

  • You may bring one companion with you per disability registration. Other guests in your party must wait in the main line and will not be given priority seating with you.

  • You may not save seats.

  • In the event that a line for a panel has reached capacity prior to your arrival, you may be asked to return after the other attendees in line have already been seated.

  • Due to the physical limitations of the space and staffing numbers, we cap lines for panels until indoor space is available to allow continued flow of congoers into an event or panel room. Or in the event that a panel room or main event hall has reached seating capacity.

  • We do not allow standing room in panel rooms.

Accommodation Types:

(Please note that we do not restrict anyone to only one accommodation. Life is rarely simple and we understand that.)

 Aisle Seating:

  • This accommodation is available for guests who need the most accessible seating available in a row of chairs to facilitate ease of entrance and exit.

  • These seats are not specifically marked or designated and are at the end of each row.

  • This accommodation can be used in tandem with the chair-in-line accommodation and other accommodations as needed.

Audio impairment:

  • The accommodation we provide for guests with audio impairment is seating in our main event and panel rooms.

  • This seating is available at and near the front of the event rooms close to the speakers.


  • This accommodation is available for guests who have difficulty standing for long periods of time.

  • If you show the back of your badge to a staff member or volunteer, you will be provided with a chair to sit in for the duration of the line.

  • This accommodation can be used in tandem with aisle seating and other requested accommodations as needed.

Visual impairment:

  • The accommodation we provide for guests with visual impairment is seating in our main event and fan panel rooms.

  • This seating is available at and near the front of the event rooms close to the stage.

Wheelchair seating:

  • This accommodation we provide for guests with wheelchair seating is blocked sections in each of our main event and panel rooms.

  • It is based on the formula for the number of seats in a room and the number of wheelchair blocked areas we are required to provide per the ADA.

  • Wheelchair seating is available in sections that are marked on the aisles of floors of the room with taped corners to indicate the space as well as a floor placard with the International Symbol of Access, also known as the (International) Wheelchair Symbol.

Non-seated accommodations:

  • Earplugs are available at the Disability Services table upon request.

  • A list of other quiet areas not listed on the map is also available upon request.

Other Disability Services Policies:

Strobe Lights:

Per the Kami-con Convention Policies:

  • Strobe lights are not permitted outside of the rave and main event room concerts. Outside of these events, flashing lights must be kept to under two flashes per second, with the flashing lights placed at a distance from each other and set to flash together at the same time. Lights that flash less than once per second may alternate.

  • If you observe someone using an item or wearing a costume that produces a strobe effect with their lights, please alert a staff member.

Service Animals:

  • We request that guests who have employed a service animal check-in with Disability Services at Kami-con, regardless of if they intend to sign up to use Disability Services accommodations so that the service animals are known to the convention staff and on-site EMTs.

  • We provide a convention approved wristband that can be added to the animal’s lead or worn to indicate that a service animal has been checked-in to provide a seamless convention experience for the animal and its handler.

  • This must be done each time you attend the convention.

  • Please note: The Von Braun Center specifically requests that visitors to the site that have service animals must have a vest indicating the animal is a service animal on the animal while inside the convention center.


Hello everyone! Hope you are excited for Kami-Con Hai Mission III! Disability Services is endeavoring to make the convention as accessible as possible. While we looked into the options, we are not currently able to provide wheelchair rentals on site. However, below is a rental service which you can contact. Prices will vary. Please make reservations ahead of time to make sure you have what you need.

Cloud of Goods


Available to rent on weekends.

Here is a great link that explain the basic types of wheelchairs to help you figure out what you might need: https://jboccupationaltherapy.co.uk/wheelchair-types/